F6KAR 3D view toward ESE, first mountain is "le saleve"(1500m) and behind "le mont-blanc" (4807m). F6KAR station is located near the F/HB border.Bd QSO Pts Sta DX Zones
80: 345 743 20 50 14
40: 659 1550 35 87 28
20: 970 2428 52 108 35
15: 311 731 13 83 27
10: 36 75 0 31 7
Total: 2321 5527 120 359 111
Total Score = 3,260,930Club/Team : Cern(*) Amateur Radio Club (F6KAR)StationHigh bands station: IC756 + Ten-tec Titan Low bands station: IC756pro3 + Ten-Tec Titan Ants: 80m: shunt-fed tower 40m: 40-2CD20-15-10: KT34 and 3el ECORX ants: 100m beverages NE and S, K9AY loop Software: N1MM Logger V6.9.6 with MMTTY soft-terminalMSC: ICE band-filters, microkeyer USB-conterters station pictures here: http://f6irf.blogspot.com/2006/08/f6kar-waedc-cw-2006.htmlOperators: Nico F5VIH/SV3SJ, Phil F6IFY, Pat F6IRFGuest ops: PM HB9DTM/F6FNL, Seb F8CMF
Condx better than expected taking into account the very low SFI
(who could expect 124 countries to be logged this weekend in TTY?)
15m opened to Eastern-states on saturday, and 20m remained open quite late.
Unfortunately the propagation deteriorated on sunday, but the E's openings allowed 31 countries and 7 zones to be logged on 10m.
Good first night with 2 hours at rate >80, but bad second night with rate droping around 20 between 2 and 5z and very few NA-stns. No major technical problem experienced, just a few glitches with PA switching and software behavior, both probably due to some RF-feedback.
Finaly a decent score for the solar minimum, thanks to DX-peditioners and all participants for creating such a huge activity on the digital bands (and even a bit outside ;-) !
F6KAR 3D view toward NW, "le Jura"(1500m) represents some 8 degrees blocking toward NA
(*)CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear Research, the world's largest particle physics center. http://f6kar.web.cern.ch/f6kar/
see http://press.web.cern.ch/public/
For Dan Brown readers see also;-) http://press.web.cern.ch/public/Content/Chapters/Spotlight/SpotlightAandD-en.html
see 3830 post for multipliers stats